

1       Guarantee

1.1    Other than where any of the exceptions set out in paragraph 1.3 apply, all shutters purchased from any of our Just Shutters experts are

guaranteed to be free from material defects in design, material and workmanship. This is our Lifetime Guarantee.

1.2    In addition, all shutters will on delivery, and for a period of 3 years thereafter, maintain their colour fastness. This is our Additional


1.3    The following products, purchased from any of our Just Shutters experts, are guaranteed to be free from material defects in design,

material and workmanship, for the time periods set out below:

1.3.1 Just SunShade Awnings, Just Shutters BlindScreens, the Shade element of Shutter and Shade and any Remote Control Motors shall

only be guaranteed for a period of 5 years from the point of delivery. This is our Five Year Guarantee;

1.3.2 Fortitude Security Shutters that are installed externally shall only be guaranteed for a period of 10 years from the point of delivery.

This is our Ten Year Guarantee. For the avoidance of doubt, our Lifetime Guarantee applies to Fortitude Security Shutters installed

internally but does not apply to Fortitude Security Shutters installed externally.

1.4     Our Lifetime Guarantee, Additional Guarantee, Five Year Guarantee and Ten Year Guarantee (together referred to as our Guarantees) are

given subject to the following terms and conditions of this guarantee document

2       Ownership Condition for Guarantees

Our Guarantees will apply PROVIDED THAT the shutters remain in the ownership of the original purchaser. Any resale or other transfer or

parting with possession of the shutters by the original purchaser after delivery voids our Guarantees.

3       Items not covered by our Guarantees

3.1   Whilst every reasonable effort will be made to ensure the accuracy of the finished product we are unable to extend our Guarantees to the

following matters:

3.1.1  Exact Matches: Due to our shutters being made from natural materials, there may be natural variations in colour, grain and texture and as

such may show the grain or substrate through the final finish. We are not therefore able to guarantee exact matches to samples, nor are

we able to guarantee exact matches on subsequent orders.  Minor blemishes where the grain or substrate is only visible at a distance of

less than 60cm will be regarded as natural variations in the grain or substrate and will not be accepted as a defect.

3.1.2  Colour matches:

(a) Woodstains: We cannot guarantee a perfect colour match, as part of the character of a natural wood product is that it may vary in tone

and grain.

(b) Paint Finishes: We cannot guarantee that a custom colour will be an exact duplicate. This is due to a number of variables such as:

(i)   the species of timber the paint is being applied to;

(ii)  the number of coats applied;

(iii) the degree of sanding and surface preparation; and

(iv) the temperature and humidity at application and drying.

(c) Sheen Variations: Whilst a colour may be a match there may be a perceived difference in colour depending on the sheen of the paint,

for example gloss versus matt. We cannot therefore guarantee a perfect match between sheen variations.

(d) Minor colour imperfections not readily apparent at a distance of 100cm under ordinary light will not be accepted as a defect.

3.1.3    Excessive Moisture Levels: As explained in paragraph 4.2.4 below.

4      Claims and Exclusions applicable to our Guarantees

4.1  Subject to paragraph 4.2, we shall, at our option, repair or replace the defective shutters, if:

4.1.1 the purchaser gives notice in writing during the applicable guarantee period within a reasonable time of discovery that some or all of the

shutters do not comply with any of the Guarantees; and

4.1.2 we are given a reasonable opportunity of examining such shutters.

4.2    we shall not be liable for any failure to comply with our Guarantees if:

4.2.1 the shutters were not installed by a Just Shutters expert;

4.2.2 the purchaser makes any further use of such shutters after giving a notice in accordance with paragraph 4.1.1;

4.2.3 the defect arises because the purchaser failed to follow our Just Shutters’ expert’s oral or written instructions as to the storage,

installation, commissioning, cleaning, use or maintenance of the shutters or (if there are none) good trade practice;

4.2.4 Apart from products specifically designed for high-humidity areas, shutters should be kept dry. Condensation and water ingress from windows and doors should be removed with a dry cloth to prevent damage.

Should moisture damage become evident, we will measure the moisture content of the affected shutters. If the moisture content is below 10%, we will determine on a case-by-case basis whether repairing or replacing the damaged area is the best solution. If the moisture content exceeds 10%, we will provide a quotation for the necessary repair or replacement.

4.2.5 the defect arises as a result of our Just Shutters expert following any drawing, design or specification supplied by the purchaser;

4.2.6 the purchaser alters or repairs such shutters without our written consent;

4.2.7 the defect arises as a result of wilful damage, negligence, motorised devices, abnormal working conditions, damage caused by

pets/animals or act of God; or

4.2.8 the shutters differ from the agreed specification as a result of changes made to ensure they comply with applicable statutory or

regulatory standards.

4.3    Repair or remakes of defective shutters is the purchaser’s sole remedy under our Guarantees and in no event shall any Just Shutters

expert be liable for costs to remove and/or reinstall shutters or their component parts that they have not originally fitted

4.4    All shutters, frames and battens are put through an 18 point quality control checking system. Once checked, they are photographed with

high resolution digital equipment before being packaged. Packages are then photographed as they are unloaded from the shipping

container if they show any signs of damage. Please bear this all in mind when making a claim with regard to a damaged shutter, frame or

batten. Shutters are very easy to damage on site, and our Just Shutters experts will not replace or refund damaged goods unless you can

prove that they arrived in this state. Please do not sign for damaged boxes until content has been checked.

5      Consumers

Nothing in this guarantee document will operate to restrict any consumer legal rights.

6     Guarantee Provider

Our Guarantees are given to the purchaser by the Just Shutters legal entity with whom the purchaser has contracted with to provide it with

shutters. For the avoidance of doubt no other Just Shutters entity shall be liable to the purchaser under such guarantees.

Version 19th December 2024

Illustrative image of a lounge area
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